Thursday 14 July 2011

Experimentation with linework


A piece where I have experimented is this particular piece of work.  The main line of experimentation was with the colours of  the linework, although it was also an overall experimentation in working with Photoshop as at this point I had done little in the programme before.  I took a risk by inking it by hand and without a ruler despite having many angular aspects wiithin the drawing; I am happy with the outcome of the lineart, and feel that the "wobbliness" of the lines is not too distracting, and give it a handmade look.  Colouring the piece in Photoshop helped me to make the decision to colour my final piece for Unit 3 in the same manner.  However, the actual colouring of the lines themselves - the initial point of making the piece - I feel I could have done much better, such as choosing more suiting or more subtle colours, as well as a wider range of colours applied to more areas of the piece.  Furthermore I would have created the stars with a less blurry brush, and would have applied them by putting the brush on maximum scatter rather than applying each star individually as I did.

Despite the piece's flaws, and although I feel I could do better now, I still feel pleased with the final result of this piece.

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